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 A Message from Dr. Straight Talk

Hello, I am Dr. Straight Talk, otherwise known as Dr. Veronica Hunnicutt. I am the Chief Executive Officer of the Hunnicutt Group, Inc. and the Chief Executive Officer of the Hunnicutt Foundation. Both of these entities are dedicated to empowering and transforming individuals locally, nationally, or internationally.


For over 41 years, I served as the Dean at the Office of Student Affairs, as the Dean of the Southeast Campus, and as an English professor in both the English and Engineering Departments at City College of San Francisco. I was blessed to serve as the Chair of the African American American Studies Department and as a Chair of the College’s first Diversity initiative. 

Along with other CCSF staff, I co-founded the African American Achievement Program (A.A.A.P.) and was the developer of original Afrocentric English materials used in A.A.A.P. classes at CCSF. I have created activities, courses, and programs for students of all ages in the course of my professional career. As Dean of the Southeast Campus, I lobbied for and was successful in getting entry-level biotechnology courses, leading to jobs for community residents and other CCSF students.

I have extensive community organizing, advocacy, and development experience,  and I have served as a member of the Mayor's Citizens' Advisory Committee for Community Development, as a member of the Housing Production Advisory Panel at the State Level, and as a board member of the San Francisco Mental Health Association, the Opportunity Industrialization Center (O.I.C.), the Center for Public Education, the Bayview YMCA, and Communities in Schools. I presently serve as the Chair of the Citizens’ Advisory Committee for the Shipyard, and I am a Board member of the Alliance for Girls. 

After I was appointed by Mayor George Moscone to the Commission on the Status of Women, my passion for women’s advocacy issues became an integral part of my career. This passion blossomed over the years, and I presently serve as a Legacy member of PWIC, Powerful Women International Connections. 

I am the author of Straight Talk - How to Survive and Thrive as a Young Man of Color. I wrote this book to help boys and young men lead lives of peace, joy, and fulfillment by knowing and serving God. The ultimate keys to thriving and surviving for everyone lie in getting right with God, working hard to accomplish your personal and academic goals,  becoming a person of wisdom, understanding, and integrity, and giving back to your family, community, America, and the world.

I strive to be a beacon of inspiration and support for everyone, and I am committed to serving all people with humility, integrity, and compassion, regardless of their race, gender, or national origin. 

I am Dr. Straight Talk, and I want everyone to “survive and thrive.” God bless you!


Dr. Straight Talk

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